If you’re a descendent of the Heil family, or of somebody who married into the Heil family in the Fulda district, these marriage records might help in your research. All of these records can be found in the church books of St. Goar in Flieden. In these books you’ll also find further baptisms, marriages, and deaths not mentioned in this post.
While I am not (as far as I know) related to the Heil family, I came across the name when researching our German ancestor, Michael Eifert. Michael was born out of wedlock in 1806. No father is listed in his baptismal record, but his grandfather was Johann Michael Heil of Magdlos, who I am researching.
I am building out the Magdlos Heil family tree in broad strokes, and since the information in these marriage records isn’t yet digitized (and so not easily found online), I would publish them. I will continue to update these as the opportunity presents itself. Some name spellings and city names may be slightly off. In cases like these, we’re at the mercy of the priest’s penmanship.
Children of Heinrich Heil
Margaretha Heil & Johann Auth
- Married 12 Feb 1725 in Rückers
- Witnesses: Johann Möller and Peter Wolff
Johann Heil & Elisabeth Fröschler
- Married 30 Aug 1725 in Rückers
- Witness: Johann Möller
Elisabetha Heil & Heinrich Peter Wolff
- Married 18 Feb 1727 in Rückers
- Witnesses: Heinrich & Johann Möler
Valentine Heil & Gertrude Wigand
- Married 8 Feb 1735 in Unterstorck
- Witnesses: Johann Heil (from Stillerz) & Johann Auth (from Stork)
Children of Peter Heil
Gertrude Heil & Johann Schulteis
- Married 3 Apr 1725 in Rückers
- Witnesses: Nicolaus Oltz & Sebastian Schweitzer
Adam Heil & Magdalena Heil
- Married 12 Nov 1730
- Witnesses: Adam Becker & Melchior Klüber
- This was the daughter of Johann Heil marrying the son of Peter Heil
Children of Johann Heil
Heinrich Heil & Dorothea Stehling
- Married 5 May 1726 in Flieden
- Witnesses: Heinrich Blohm & Heinrich Heil (from Unterstorck)
Agnes Heil & Johann Georg Becker
- Married 17 Feb 1727 in Rückers
- Witnesses: Johann Grau & Adam Grefs
Elisabeth Heil & Jacob Heinrich Züchter (?)
- Married 10 Jun 1727 in Villa Fuldensis
- Witnesses: Peter Becker (from Oberstorck) and Balthasar Auth (from Magdlos)
- I can’t find Villa Fuldensis on the map. Perhaps it refers to a farm in Fulda that is unnamed. Further research would uncover the meaning.
Balthasar Heil & Gertrude Weber
- Married 27 April 1728 in Keutzelbris (?)
- Witnesses: Adam Grefs & Balthasar Henckel
- The city name in the record was difficult to decipher.
Margaretha Heil & Peter Colbach
- Married 12 Nov 1729 in Flieden
- Witnesses: Nicolaus Grub & Peter Colbach
- Father of the groom: Heinrich Colbach
Johann Heil & Gertrude Hack
- Married 4 Mar 1734 in Keutzelbuch
- Witnesses: Johann Heil (from Stillerz)
Gertrude Heil & Johann Heinrich Best
- Married 14 Feb 1738
- Witnesses: Heinrich Möller (from
Check back for more records
I’m continually researching and adding more notes, including records like these. Check back again soon to find out if anything has changed.
Questions? Contact me!
If you have any questions related to these records or other genealogical issues, feel free to contact me for more information.
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